ActiveCampaign Sorted!

Support and training with the Queen of ActiveCampaign, Kay Peacey.

Unlock the potential of ActiveCampaign and get it doing effective, whizzy things to grow your business, with fast expert help and training that sticks, in the ActiveCampaign Academy.

Newsflash, my ActiveCampaign friends

Now really IS your time to get better value from ActiveCampaign

Does this sound familiar?

  • NYou’re paying for ActiveCampaign but don’t know how to get the best out of it
  • NWhen you do try to use it you get overwhelmed or stuck, and scared to touch anything
  • NYou’ve spent hours on help docs, forums and waiting on the support desk, and got nowhere
  • NYou just want to send emails and automate cool strategic stuff without the worry and stress
  • NYou’re fed up of being on your own, scratching the surface, and not getting good value

Been there - got *all* the t-shirts!

I have great news for you - I can help...

I’m Kay Peacey - ActiveCampaign Queen and tech ninja

I help people use ActiveCampaign better without crying, swearing or giving up.

And I love it!

I’ve helped thousands of businesses get more value from ActiveCampaign. A global super-user, I’m the Legend the ActiveCampaign team come to for the real user-eye view.

I see people just like you, from all over the world, struggle to unlock the huge potential of ActiveCampaign to grow their business;

Burning through time and money trying to get there, and winding up frustrated.

So I have taken my unique combination of ninja ActiveCampaign skills, years of expert consultancy, and a lifetime of teaching, and created the ActiveCampaign Academy.

And now you too can unlock the power of ActiveCampaign, and use its most effective features to grow your businesses faster, with confidence and ease.  Boom!


The ActiveCampaign  Academy

The monthly subscription for access to ActiveCampaign technical support and strategic know-how account with ninja-consultant Kay Peacey - wrap-around care for you and your ActiveCampaign account.


Up to 8 drop-in Office Hours calls with Kay every month for live support to fix an automation, check your strategy, or get unstuck and inspired. These mini-consults with Kay are GOLD for fast, focussed progress, or learning as you lurk and work. These calls will skyrocket your learning.


Fast technical, strategic and moral support from Kay and the team, and your fellow Academy members from around the world.

Our private space to ask for help, share solutions, and get feedback, in a sociable relaxed place that’s open all hours.


Our well-organised, searchable library is your go-to for focussed actionable real-world solutions using ActiveCampaign. Workflows, speedy tutorials and worked examples, created and curated by Kay for real business use-cases.


Self-paced lessons covering ActiveCampaign features and best practice, for core skills and solid foundations. Dip in for bitesize videos with step-by-step guidance when you need it, or binge-watch to nail an ActiveCampaign strategy or feature for good.

Plus some awesome bonuses...


One additional person from your team gets full access at no extra charge, as your Nominee


Weekly members-only email for 5 minutes of actionable tips and ActiveCampaign news you need to know


Big savings on tech tools and access to discounted ActiveCampaign plans and upgrades

At the right level for *you*

We offer a choice of Essential or Advanced subscription level, to suit your ActiveCampaign plan, available time, and how deep you want to go.



  • Beginner to intermediate users
  • Starter Lite or Plus ActiveCampaign plans
  • Steady progress
  • No overwhelm

Included with Essential

Office Hours up to 4 times every month

Essential community boards

Resource Library for core skills

Courses for core ActiveCampaign features



  • More advanced users
  • Plus Pro or Enterprise plans with Addons
  • Intensive progress
  • Platform mastery

Everything in Essential AND

Double Office Hours - up to 8 per month

Extra advanced community boards

Extra resources for advanced skills

Extra courses for Pro and Addon features

Not sure which level is right for you?

(Pssst... it's easy to switch between levels too)

Pain relief for ActiveCampaign is here!

  • MNo more dreading the moment you open ActiveCampaign.
  • MNo more time-suck waiting on ActiveCampaign support or wading through tech-jargon.
  • MNo more stress, overwhelm and desperation trying to figure it out on your own.
  • MNo more money down the drain on features you haven’t a clue how to use.

And it's just a few clicks away...

  • NGetting fast expert answers to every ActiveCampaign question you ever had or will have
  • NEnjoying focussed no-fluff step-by-step ActiveCampaign training that actually works, and sticks
  • NHaving the ultimate ActiveCampaign expert, Kay Peacey, on call and in your back-pocket
  • NGrowing more return on ActiveCampaign with automation and emails that work and drive sales

The ActiveCampaign Academy

The monthly subscription for you (and a bonus plus-one) to access effective, fast ActiveCampaign support and training with world-class ActiveCampaign consultant Kay Peacey.

Consult-calls, community, resources and courses so your ActiveCampaign account can finally live its best life as a lean clean marketing automation machine that drives sales and profits, and reduces your workload.



$97 per month


Starter Lite or Plus plan
Steady progress
No overwhelm

Instant access to:

Office Hours up to 4 times every month

Essential community boards

Resource Library for core skills

Courses for core ActiveCampaign features


Tech perks + free team member bonus

Go Annual Essential

12 months for the price of 10
Go annual for $970 to save $194



$187 per month


Plus or above with Addons
Intensive progress
Platform mastery

Instant access to:

Double Office Hours - up to 8 per month

Extra advanced community boards

Extra resources for advanced skills

Extra courses for Pro and Addon features


Everything in Essential

Go Annual Advanced

12 months for the price of 10
Go annual for $1870 to save $374

Not sure which level is right for you?

(Pssst... it's easy to switch between levels too)

Our Commitment To You


Full access to everything in your Academy level from the get-go, and we’re totally cool if your budget means you join for just one month to gorge on all the things


Stop and start to suit your business and budget - we’ll keep all your progress and posts to come back to when you need a top-up, and wave you off with our best wishes in between


Everything we advise is tried and tested by us. We will never knowingly steer you away from serving your best interests, or pressure you to buy things you don't need

Kay's personal guarantee

Whilst it’s true that the more you get involved and the longer you stay, the more skills and knowledge you will have for the long-term, we are confident that active Academy members will see quick easy wins early on.

If you engage with the calls, community, courses and resources, and don’t see an impact on progress or savings in time and money in your first month, I’ll refund you.

I’m sure you’ll be thrilled and delighted… but just in case!

Kay Peacey

Founder, teacher, and mentor

Members are loving it

I felt like I was drowning and was so overwhelmed by ActiveCampaign - but now I feel HOPE, and so optimistic about the future of my business!

Angela Rose - USA

I learned a ton and would have been lost without you. You cut through all the noise, and it is really empowering.

Tina Kister - USA

I never have dared to move to ActiveCampaign without the Academy. Things seem so much simpler here, and I feel so supported!

Delphine Denis - France

Most days ActiveCampaign just used to hurt my head, but your videos bring clarity and calm, and make things so much easier.

Cathy Cousins - Australia

Thank you for this community - it makes my work so much more fun and my stress level much lower.

Maja Østvang Hansen - Denmark

I wouldn't be having such an easy migration to ActiveCampaign if it weren't for you - this has made things so much easier. I'm totally loving it!

Sally Tudhope - New Zealand

I do love being in the Academy; it’s such a supportive, nurturing environment.

Rachel Jackson - UK

Kay's "I'm here to help" style always makes everyone feel that they CAN do this, even if they are totally new to ActiveCampaign!

Lisa Burgess - USA

Kay brings a fun twist into a serious subject and makes it feel easy.

Melody Semmler - Australia

The ActiveCampaign Academy is super duper.

I took the Deliverability course... 5 out of 5 stars from me 🤩

Jack Arturo

Take a 5 minute tour with Kay

Academy Case Studies

Real-life ActiveCampaign heroes in action
Kate Leslie - Advanced

gets past roadblocks and snags fast

Tracey Robertson - Essential

started actually sending emails

Lisa Carletti - Advanced

recovered from a botched migration

Kronda Adair - Advanced

serves ActiveCampaign clients better

John Finkelde - Essential

became the boss of custom fields

Laura Moore - Advanced

went from despair to loving it!

Constance Shelby - Essential

fixed deliverability headaches fast

Ruth Bruce - Essential

builds out webinar funnels for clients

Rachel Jackson - Advanced

nailed the Shopify integration at last

Sally Tudhope - Essential

migrated fast and smooth, and loves it

One of the best decisions I ever made - Angela Rose

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do we need this on top of paying for ActiveCampaign?

Because paying for ActiveCampaign without knowing how to get value from it is like buying a Ferrari and leaving it parked on your driveway.

I’m your driving instructor for everything from how to turn on the engine without stalling, to how to pull a handbrake-turn on the race-track, so you can get maximum ROI from ActiveCampaign.

What are the alternatives here?

You can work it all out on your own - like teaching yourself to drive by bouncing your car around a parking lot. It’s do-able, but very time-consuming, frustrating, and almost always winds up with a messy ActiveCampaign, emails sent to the wrong people and customer-facing errors that cost you sales.

Using ActiveCampaign support is like expecting the sales-dude at the car show-room to teach you to drive. ActiveCampaign support does not help with strategy or have deep experience of how ActiveCampaign works in the real-world. It’s slow, inconsistent, and impersonal.

Hiring someone who says they have mad ActiveCampaign skills to do it for you is like hiring a chauffeur every time you need to get to the store. You’re still left in the driveway with your Ferrari, probably with a few more scratches, and a big hole in your bank account.

Access to expert support and training as you work with ActiveCampaign has a huge impact on increasing your ROI from ActiveCampaign.

This Academy gives you flexible month by month access to the world’s leading ActiveCampaign consultant and teacher, Kay Peacey.

You can learn to drive ActiveCampaign like a pro, and much more quickly and easily than you realise, to increase profits and reduce workload. You just need the right instructor by your side.

I’m short on time already - how will this help?

Automating more of your business will free up your time - but how do you fit in the time to get automation in place… It’s a bit chicken-and-egg, right?

We know where the low-hanging fruit is that will get the worst admin time-sucks off your table fast.

We’re waaaay faster, and better, than ActiveCampaign support, guaranteed.

And, the Academy is built for real business humans, who need to fit action and progress into small chunks of time. No fluff, no fillers, no faffing about.

Like this:

5 mins:
Scan the weekly email for quick learning and news
Ask for help in the Community to get unstuck

10 mins:
browse Community posts to get inspired or grab a new sneaky move
watch a mini-tutorial on a real use-case or a feature you need to use

20 mins:
drop in to Office Hours for a mini-consult with Kay or to lurk and work

4 x 15 mins to watch training videos and improve skills
2 x 60 mins to nail an automation or integration with real-time support from Kay
1 day to watch and fully implement the deliverability training

I’m new to ActiveCampaign - can you help me get started and migrate easily?

Yes. We meet you where you’re at, with no overwhelm, all the support you need, and early easy wins.

If you’re migrating to ActiveCampaign we’ll help you clean up your data and move over, smooth as silk, without interrupting services, and getting your email deliverability right from the start.

Great for training up a new team member to use ActiveCampaign with confidence, and without breaking all the things too - just add them as your free bonus nominee.

Starting with our Essential level suits most new ActiveCampaign users best.

Our ActiveCampaign account is a mess - can you help us untangle it?

Yes.  We provide focussed support, tools and training to untangle tags, tidy up automations, and clean up contacts.


You’re not alone, it’s not your fault, and we’re experts in helping de-mess ActiveCampaign accounts to where they’re a joy to work for your team, with happy profitable leads and buyers.


Can my VA / colleague / freelancer get access too?

Yes - and it’s totally legit, and included for free for every member, with our Nominee bonus

Every Academy member can nominate one person who works with ActiveCampaign in their business, to get access to everything the member has access to.

Because two heads are better than one when it comes to ActiveCampaign, right?

Your nominee gets their own login for the community and resource library, can attend Office Hours on your behalf, and is permitted to access the training courses via your shared login.

We just need to get it done - can we hire you?

No. We believe you should, and can, learn to drive ActiveCampaign yourself, in-house.

It doesn’t need to be you personally - your techy VA, a team member, or a freelancer who’s working with you gets free access as your nominee - what a bonus!

But if you don’t have someone in-house and really do need an extra pair of hands, we’ll match-make you in the Academy with an experienced service provider who has also trained with us.

I want ninja ActiveCampaign skills - what’s in there for me?

The best, fastest way to become a ninja is to learn from a ninja-master.

Kay Peacey is the legendary queen of ActiveCampaign, recognised by ActiveCampaign as a valued super-user, and long-time certified consultant. She’s the uber-ninja.

Advanced level members get:

time with Kay up to twice every week on live calls to ask anything
full access to our community of Advanced users, with resources and discussions
training in how to work with deals, pipelines and other Plus and above features
advice and support on complex integrations, workflows, tech and client relationships
match-making with Academy members seeking to hire an experienced service-provider

Our Advanced level is a proven growth-accelerator for ActiveCampaign service providers, with support and mentoring for professionals from highly specialist ActiveCampaign VAs and OBMs right up to consultant level ActiveCampaign service providers.

When are the Office Hours drop-in consult calls?
Tuesdays and Thursdays at either 9am or 5pm London time
  • Access every week for Advanced members
  • Access in alternate weeks only for Essential members
Approx times around the world: 9am London // 4pm Perth // 8pm Auckland 9am Los Angeles // 12pm New York // 5pm London Calls are not recorded - but you can catch-up quickly on teaching points in the community, or in our weekly email
Can you help me figure out which level I need from Essential and Advanced?
Click here to take our 30 second quiz to see which level we recommend for you.


Best for beginner to intermediate users, Lite ActiveCampaign plans, for steady progress with no overwhelm Typical topics covered with Essential members


Best for more advanced users, Plus Pro or Enterprise plans, for intensive progress and platform mastery Typical topics covered with Advanced members

Included Courses

Full list of courses included with Essential and Advanced levels If you're still not sure, you're welcome to drop me an email or message for a chat. Or just dive in now on the Essential level - you can upgrade easily to Advanced at any time.
My ActiveCampaign account is not in English - can you still help me?


We have many members using ActiveCampaign accounts in languages other than English, and find that we can troubleshoot those accounts just as effectively as English-language accounts.

All teaching and communication is conducted in UK English.

We provide captions on all training videos to assist learners whose first language is not English.

I need to know more about tax / currency / subscription payments, switches and cancels


UK customers - the subscription price is inclusive of UK VAT at 20%

EU customers - no UK VAT is charged - reverse charging may apply

All other customers - no UK VAT is charged

Payment Method

All payments are handled via Stripe secure checkout


Cancel easily at any time with no penalties 

Progress and content is retained for easy return after cancellation

Switch membership level at any time

Upgrades to Advanced take effect immediately

Downgrades to Essential take effect at next payment due date

Annual subscription available with 12 months for the price of 10

I'm not totally sure. Can I ask you something?

Of course you can...

If there is absolutely anything you’re not sure about, or you just want to chat about whether the ActiveCampaign Academy is right for you, or which level to go for, drop me an email or message me on Facebook.

There are no daft questions, and I promise to never do sales voodoo on you.

Instant access to awesome ActiveCampaign courses


Migrate or update lots of contacts at once VIEW COURSE OUTLINE


Implement 4 fast money-making moves


The ultimate re-engagement system for ActiveCampaign


Know every page your contacts visited, and when


Best practice for critically important settings


Catch errors early with reliable fast testing


Learn pro-level easy tricks to save hours of time


Name things better for faster easier automation


Super-fast kick-start for high impact easy wins


Keep track of everything and untangle messes


Look like a magician by using what you already know


Fast easy mapping so you don't get lost any more


Quickly create and send well-designed emails


Easily integrate other tech to join the dots


Hook up a ScoreApp quiz to create a funnel



Use a lead magnet to grow your list fast


The deals and pipelines CRM demystified


See every email reply and response for contacts


Use pipelines to see where contacts are at


Super-powers to add details to your deals


Keep multiple sets of details for repeat events

ActiveCampaign Academy

The help you've been looking for to get more juice out of ActiveCampaign - with the Queen of ActiveCampaign Kay Peacey.

It's time to feel better about ActiveCampaign.


ActiveCampaign Academy

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