Contacts you should clean up from ActiveCampaign

Knowing how to keep a clean list is essential for ActiveCampaign users.

If you don’t, you’ll wind up paying more than you need to for your ActiveCampaign plan, and hurting your email deliverability. Yikes!

In this blog I’ll show you how to spot the Contacts who are taking up space in your ActiveCampaign account, but not making you any money.

Clearing out these contacts will help you spend less on ActiveCampaign, and help your emails get delivered reliably to the inbox – phew!

Follow these steps to reduce your contact total and clean your list

Watch Kay Peacey on which Contacts to delete to keep your Lists clean

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Learn why List Hygeine is important for ActiveCampaign users

Contacts who are not into you any more are in your ActiveCampaign account right now, and that’s bad for you, and for the contacts who do still want to hear from you.

Four reasons you need to clean your ActiveCampaign lists

  1. They’re not spending money with you
  2. They’re costing you money
  3. They’re making it harder to find your more valuable contacts
  4. They’re stopping your emails getting to better contacts

It’s time to let these unprofitable contacts go, whether they’re unsubscribed, sleepy, bots, bouncers or just not that bothered about you any more.

In the ActiveCampaign Academy we show you how exactly to hunt out the Contacts who are over you, or not worth keeping, and clean them out fast.

This will save you money (often quite a lot!) and help your emails get delivered to the inbox.

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Fast, effective training & support for ActiveCampaign users everywhere

Find bots and bounced contacts in ActiveCampaign

There are ghost contacts in your ActiveCampaign account – they cause trouble by never doing anything and getting in the way.

Mostly they’re the Bots and the Bouncers…

Bots contacts are baddie ghosts in your ActiveCampaign account

The bigger your audience, the more bot contacts you’ll have. And if you get traffic from dodgy sources they can invade in huge numbers.

Bots need to be cleared out because they can cause a lot of damage to deliverability, fast.

Bounced contacts are bad email addresses in your ActiveCampaign account

From a fat-fingered typos to a totally made-up email address – these contacts are just the wrong email address, and will get a hard bounce status.

But they stick around and clutter the place up unless you correct them or delete them.

Finding ghosts can be tricky, so we show our ActiveCampaign Academy members exactly how to find them on auto-pilot and clear them out before they can do harm. And how to close off the gaps where they sneak in!  You can join today for instant access

For a quick DIY cleanup of the Bots and Bouncers in your ActiveCampaign account, Klean13 has a good paid-for tool for finding

Learn more about our ActiveCampaign Academy membership
Fast, effective training & support for ActiveCampaign users everywhere

Identify competitors spying on your ActiveCampaign activity

Spies have infiltrated your ActiveCampaign account. They’re watching your every email automation move. And they might be up to no good.

In some industries they’re a big problem. Competitors and industry rivals play dress-up as ordinary contacts to subscribe and have a snoop around.

Some of them do really mean things like pinching your content. 

We help our ActiveCampaign Academy members sniff out these intruders routinely, and keep them out long term by barring the entry points.

Here’s a quick tip for you in the meantime… run a search with industry keywords for the email address to show up spies who didn’t disguise themselves very well.

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Learn how to exclude Grumblers from your ActiveCampaign Lists

I bet you’ve had one of these… (at least!) – the grumble-and-groaner contact who wants it all their way and demands your attention… But NEVER buys anything!

Grumblers want your lovely mails for the free stuff, but have no plan to buy from you AND want to dictate how you behave.  Urgh.

How to spot a grumbling contact in ActiveCampaign

Look out for contacts who reply to complain when you send emails that mention your product or service.

They’re red flag central.

It’s not you, it’s them.

DELETE and add them to your Exclusion List in ActiveCampaign.

You are not a public service, and you don’t have to keep a spot for them in your ActiveCampaign contact limit.

The end.

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Identify ActiveCampaign Lurkers and remove them to save money

Email Lurkers are the contacts who nurse a glass of tap-water and examine the menu for hours as if they might buy, but never actually spend any money.

Lurkers are a problem allowed to gather in large numbers in your ActiveCampaign account.

They cost you money instead of making you money.

They never get within sniffing distance of the checkout, and you can spot them once you know where to look.

How to find Lurkers with automation in ActiveCampaign

The trick here is to set up custom fields and automation to tracke dates of last activity, site visits and other stuff, then watching for people who overstay their free glass of tap water. 

We teach how to do this on auto-pilot in the ActiveCampaign Academy.

Join today and we’ll help you see Lurkers off the premises, politely, but firmly.

Learn more about our ActiveCampaign Academy membership
Fast, effective training & support for ActiveCampaign users everywhere

Get more help now with ActiveCampaign contact cleanup

ActiveCampaign Academy training with Kay Peacey

If you don’t keep a clean list in ActiveCampaign it hurts your deliverability, makes working in ActiveCampaign harder for you, and costs you money.

In the ActiveCampaign Academy, we have training and support that will get your bad contacts cleaned up fast, and set you up with automated cleanup tools to keep it clean for ever.

A quick cleanup can save a lot of money on your ActiveCampaign costs so don’t delay.

So come on in to the ActiveCampaign Academy, and you’ll have Kay Peacey and the Slick Business team, and all your lovely fellow members, to guide you every step of the way to fabulousness with ActiveCampaign.

Learn more about our ActiveCampaign Academy membership
Fast, effective training & support for ActiveCampaign users everywhere

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ActiveCampaign Academy

Time-saving - money-making - stress-reducing help for ActiveCampaign users is what we do.

Learn more about The ActiveCampaign Academy here

The ActiveCampaign Academy gives you the exact steps to ace your emails and automation and drive more revenue with ActiveCampaign.

Expert strategic and technical advice from Kay Peacey whenever you need it.

  • Courses to binge-watch
  • Resources and templates to swipe
  • Calls to consult with Kay on anything you need
  • Community to privately geek out freak out and learn together

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