Spam Reports and Email Engagement explained for ActiveCampaign

by | Feb 8, 2024 | Email Deliverability

Spam Reports are scary for email senders – and they got a lot more dangerous when Google set a hard limit on how many they will tolerate before sending many more of your emails to spam folder doom, to apply from Feb 2024.

Kay Peacey is a world leading ActiveCampaign trainer – she’s even on their Customer Advisory Board to help them serve users better – so you can trust her to tell you the things you NEED to know right now to stay out of spam folder trouble.

We all get spam reported – no matter how great we are at email sending – it’s just part of the experience. But since Feb 2024 spam reports have a much bigger role in keeping ActiveCampaign email deliverability high – so you need to pay attention.

Read on to get to grips with the critical know-how on Spam Reports so you can stay under the Google limit and keep your valuable ActiveCampaign emails landing at the inbox for your contacts to open, read and click..

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Learn the most important things about Spam Reports

Look, no one likes getting spam reported – but you have to get past that, and make an effort to understand why people do it, and when.

Google will tolerate up to 3 spam reports per thousand emails you send to active inboxes they deliver to – that’s not a lot of wriggle room.

Your email sending habits are THE biggest influence on spam report rates – so you’re in the driving seat, and need to get the know-how to stay out of trouble.

If you don’t, your emails will get put in spam-prison more often by Google, and that’s going to hit your revenue. So read on…

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Five things you NEED to know about ActiveCampaign emails and spam reports

  1. An unsubscribe is NOT the same as a Spam Report – unsubscribes are lovable cuddly friends by comparison
  2. ActiveCampaign allows unsubscribers to report as abuse – but that’s NOT the same as a Spam Report – and Google can’t see it when it happens
  3. Google allows people to report as spam – but that’s NOT the same as reporting to ActiveCampaign as abuse – and ActiveCampaign can’t see it when it happens
  4. Google Postmaster is THE key tool to monitor how many Google Spam Reports you’re receiving
  5. To stay under the Spam Report limit Google set you will need to control your email sending using engagement monitoring

Join the ActiveCampaign Academy for immediate access to step by step help to monitor spam reports in all the places, and to set up (and use) really good engagement monitoring to keep your spam report rates down.

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Watch Kay Peacey explain how Engagement and Spam Reports are connected

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Understand how Email Engagement and Spam Reports play together

If you want to stay under the Google limit for spam report rates (and you definitely should, or they will put your emails in spam jail) you have to use high quality engagement tagging in ActiveCampaign, and then USE it to control your email sending patterns.

Five things to help you realise email engagement and spam report rates are tied together

  1. If you get too many Spam Reports at certain Mailbox Providers they WILL stop delivering your ActiveCampaign emails
  2. There are known patterns for which ActiveCampaign contacts are most likely to spam report you
  3. ActiveCampaign can be set up to use Engagement Tags to monitor opens, clicks and other activity on autopilot
  4. You need to know how to use the tags to send Campaign emails with more care using Segments in ActiveCampaign
  5. Emails that get delivered drive upwards of 30% of revenue on average, so email deliverability is precious and cannot be ignored

Join the ActiveCampaign Academy for instant access to our awesome step by step engagement monitoring system – it’s WAY better than the automations ActiveCampaign share with you.

And we’ll show you exactly how to use it to keep your spam report rates below the scary Google limit.

Learn more about our ActiveCampaign Academy membership
Fast, effective training & support for ActiveCampaign users everywhere

Understand how to get good email deliverability in ActiveCampaign

Getting your ActiveCampaign emails to land in the Inbox – not in the spam folder – involves more than just the technical bits of email authentication.

You need to know and do a few other things so that your emails have a strong chance to get delivered and drive sales for your business

Three thing you need to get to grips with for great email deliverability in ActiveCampaign

  1. How to use Engagement Tags to keep track of what your ActiveCampaign contacts are doing when you send them emails
  2. How to authenticate your ActiveCampaign emails properly so they get past the first big checks on their way to the inbox
  3. How to build better ActiveCampaign emails that are way more likely to get opened > read > clicked after they get delivered

Get more help with Spam Reports and Email Engagement in ActiveCampaign

ActiveCampaign Academy training with Kay Peacey

In the ActiveCampaign Academy we will help you nail your email engagement monitoring and make sure you know how to use it properly to reduce spam reports and boost deliverability.

Our flagship Better Engagement and Deliverability training has everything you need to go from spam folder doom to stellar inbox delivery rates as quickly as possible, with personal support and guidance from Kay Peacey alongside resources, courses and community help.

So come on in to the ActiveCampaign Academy, and you’ll have Kay Peacey and the Slick Business team, and all your lovely fellow members, to guide you every step of the way to fabulousness with ActiveCampaign.

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