Baffled by FIELDS in ActiveCampaign?
Not sure how to use a custom field, or when to use a Tag vs a Field?
We’ve got you covered, with the definitive guide to Custom Fields for ActiveCampaign with expert Kay Peacey, in just 10 mins!
Custom Fields in ActiveCampaign are places where you can stash detailed info about your contacts.
The unlimited ActiveCampaign custom fields will make it possible for you to Segment your contacts, make decisions in automations, or to send email to the right person at the right time.
Follow these steps to use Custom Fields in ActiveCampaign
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Watch Kay Peacey explain how to use Fields in ActiveCampaign (10 mins)
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Discover what Fields are used for in ActiveCampaign
Email, firstname, lastname, phone are Standard contact fields – the ones that ActiveCampaign includes from the start for all accounts.
But as well as the Standard fields, ActiveCampaign gives you freedom to create as many custom fields as you please.
And you get to decide what custom fields you want or need, what to call them, and what sort of information will be stored in them.
You can do stuff with custom fields that you can’t do with Tags – so keep reading!
For a step by step walkthrough of how to create and use custom fields grab our FREE Accelerated ActiveCampaign training course.
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Learn how to decide between a Custom Field or a Tag in ActiveCampaign
I bet you’re wondering how to choose whether to use a Tag or a Field in ActiveCampaign…
There are things you can do with ActiveCampaign custom fields that you cannot do with ActiveCampaign tags.
- Search the values inside custom fields
- Show field values inside the content of emails (like a mail-merge)
- Make decisions in automations based on the values inside the fields
With tags, it’s like this:
Tag is there OR Tag is not there
With a custom Field, there is a lot more detail possible.
An ActiveCampaign Custom Field can be:
- blank vs not blank
- greater than or less than
- contain something or not contain it
- exactly match a value, or not
There’s a lot more to play with when you use a Field instead of a Tag in ActiveCampaign. Machines and humans can read and use the Value stored in a Field – whereas they can’t do that with the name of a Tag.
Plus, being able to use the field values inside emails to send to contacts is a total winner.
For step by step guidance on how to use a Field personalization for ActiveCampaign emails, grab our free Accelerated ActiveCampaign mini-course
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Learn about the main ActiveCampaign Field types you can choose from
When you create a custom Field in ActiveCampaign you must select the type of data that will be stored in the field.
The five main Field types you can use in ActiveCampaign
- Text Input for short strings of text with no line breaks
- Text Area for paragraphs of text with line breaks
- Radio Button for options from a set of values – one can be selected
- Checkbox for options from a set of values – more than one can be selected
- Date so you can automate stuff based on the calendar – super-handy
Understand how to set a name for an ActiveCampaign Custom Field
Pro Tip: Keep field names short.
The name of an ActiveCampaign field is an internal thing, just for you and ActiveCampaign.
Long field names are simply hellish to work with later on.
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ActiveCampaign best practice field names example
Let’s pretend we are using ActiveCampaign for a wedding photography business
Our first set of custom fields might go something like this:
- The date they’re getting married on goes in a date field called “wedding date”
- The name of the venue goes in a text input field called “venue”
- The extras package goes in a radio button field called “extras package” with Yes and No options
- The list of names of everyone in the bridal party goes in a text area field called “bridal party”
Custom fields are a fabulous and under-used feature in ActiveCampaign. Make sure you know how to use them, so you get the most out of your ActiveCampaign account.
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FAQ for ActiveCampaign Custom Fields
What are ActiveCampaign custom fields?
They are holding places for specific types of data, from simple text to dates and checkboxes.
How many custom fields can I have in ActiveCampaign?
There is no limit! Create as many as you need to get your email marketing customized and effective.
What types of custom fields are there in ActiveCampaign?
Common types include text input, text area, date fields, radio buttons, and checkboxes.
Can I change the label that contacts see on ActiveCampaign Forms?
Yes, each field can have a label that you show to contacts, making it easier for them to understand what you’re asking for when using ActiveCampaign Forms.
How do I use custom fields in ActiveCampaign emails?
By using personalization tags like %FIRSTNAME% or %BUSINESS% the field values get pulled into the email, making it look personalized when it reaches your contact.
Any tips for naming custom fields in ActiveCampaign?
Keep the names short and sweet for easier use within ActiveCampaign. For labels that contacts see, be more descriptive.
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Get More Help with how to use ActiveCampaign Fields
There is a world of fun to be had with ActiveCampaign fields, and so much great automation to save you time, and make you more money, more easily.
Every single business has its own unique set of needs, wants, and data to work with. So inside the ActiveCampaign Academy membership, we make sure every member can ask us, any time, to help them figure out when to use a field, and what type, and how to get the best out of it.
And the best part is, after a couple of times working it through with us, members don’t need to keep asking, because they’ve learned how to do it themselves, really fast. Winner!
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